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Tabebuia Rosea….Niraj…love & happiness..

Tabebuia Rosea….Niraj…love & happiness…
When I left for Shirsi on 17th March, the Tabebuia Roseas were blossoming everywhere. Their beautiful, delicate light-pink flowers were blooming rapidly and converting every tree into an enormously large light pink coloured bouquet.
“Please stay there till I come back,” I pleaded with them. “I want to touch your pink velvet petals and feel your beauty in my heart.”
I returned on 22nd March, and the first thing I did was to move around the town to capture their glory. There are thousands of them across the width and breadth of Bangalore, blossoming at the same time, decorating the city pink with its delicate flowers. It felt so nice to stand below those trees and look up at its pink spread.  Most of them had already started shading their flowers, forming the beautiful pink carpet on the ground below.
The best things in the world don’t last long. And Tabubia Rosea is not an exception. Within ten days, most of the trees had  completely shed their flowers and became barren again.
It reminded me of a beautiful song in Sharmili by Niraj and sung by Kishore Kumar.
खिलते हैं गुल यहाँ, खिलके बिखरने को।
मिलते हैं दिल यहाँ, मिलके बिछड़ने को।
And goes on do aptly to say,
कल रहे ना रहे, मौसम ये प्यार का।
कल रुके न रुके, डोला बहार का।
चार पल मिले जो आज, प्यार में गुज़ार दे….
And rightly, by the first of April, the डोला बहारका was no more there. All the flowers have fallen, and trees stood there with their dark brown branches naked open, awaiting a burst of new young green leaves which will shine without any flower till next February.
I have attached a few collages and photos here. You can see the painful contrast in “the same point photographs” that I have taken of some of the trees in the last three collages. On the left side is the full bloom as on 22nd March and on the right side, the trees barren of flowers on 1st April. It gives an inevitable contrast of its life.
Just like the average human life?
The joyful childhood blossoming into youth which slowly turns into the whithered old age; waiting for the inevitable to happen & start afresh in some elusive mystic unknown world…. just as those beautiful pink flowers must be thinking of their world when they bloom into the new season?
Is there ‘someone’ enjoying this seasonal blossoming of human life in eternal cycles again & again, just as I am watching those beautiful flowers season by season all through my lifetime?
Or does it point out another reality where happiness & love are cyclical and so also the sadness & loneliness which keep coming in seasons in our lives? Just like Niraj said. You love someone intensely and are so happy with the  meeting of your hearts until the person you love rejects you for reasons not known and you are heartbroken again.
Imagine the situation of permanent happiness or endless sadness in human life.  Possible? No, at any level of your existence, you can neither remain permanently happy nor endlessly sad, just as Tabubia Rosea cannot stay in blossom throughout the year. The human brain is just not made for experiencing the constancy of emotions. It needs a variety, a change; life needs to be in a state of constant flux.
To be enjoyed when the going is good and to be patiently waiting when the going is bad. The Tabebuia Rosea will make me patiently wait for one year to see its pink glory again. I am fortunate that the  ‘flowering seasons’ of happiness & love in our lives come in quicker succession and last much longer.

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